Free Furniture for Veterans
After receiving several pallets of free furniture from an anonymous donor, volunteers and members of the American Veterans Assistance Group (AVAG) recently held the first “Free Furniture For Veterans” giveaway to veterans at the Sequoia Plaza Mobile Home Park on West Foothill Boulevard in San Bernardino under the direction of AVAG Executive Director Lee Martin.
“This is the start of a good program for veterans and their families,” Martin said, after he personally helped veterans select and carry furniture to their homes recently. Navy veteran Michael Goens, one of the early recipients of the furniture said, “We’ve talked about getting new furniture but couldn’t afford it now…this program is wonderful. My wife was real happy to see us bring home the new furniture.”
Since that quiet opening event in Sequoia, Martin has worked with several veterans to give them new furniture through this program. The veterans live in the 40 Santiago manufactured home committees where more than 600 veterans live across five western states.
In recent months, Martin has met with veterans in several communities putting together local AVAG groups, consisting of veterans and their wives or significant others to discuss mutual interests. One of the key missions that has surfaced is a general desire by veterans to help other veterans. As each group meets, gets to know other veterans within their local campus, veterans are told about the Free Furniture For Veterans program, which becomes one area where they can help each other.
Martin then arranges for the veterans to review the selection of furniture, determine which pieces they want for their manufactured home and then assists them in arranging transportation to move the furniture from the showroom to their homes. The veterans agree not to sell the furniture, but to use it for their residences. AVAG is not a government organization. It is a new, private non-profit 501 C 3 formed to assist veterans who live in the 40 Affordable Community Living and Santiago Communities Inc. across the west.
- U.S. Navy veterans Robert Goens, left, and his father, Michael Goens, right, are all smiles during the first night of the AVAG Free Furniture For Veterans giveaway recently held at the Sequoia Plaza Mobile Home Park on West Foothill Boulevard in San Bernardino. The father-son team checked several pieces of furniture before picking the ones that they carried to their home.
- Robert Goens, left, and Michael Goens, right, pick up the sofa they selected to take home from Free Furniture For Veterans program recently in San Bernardino. AVAG Executive Director Lee Martin assisted them in selecting and moving the furniture from the display room into their homes after they completed the necessary paperwork in this program.